The Best CrossFit Gear

If you participate in this demanding training, you need the best CrossFit gear that will help you to gain strength safely and make your workout more efficient. CrossFit is unique because it combines aerobic exercise with strength training for a total body workout.

While it’s innovative and 21st century, it also goes back to basics. You’ll find that most of the equipment you use for CrossFit is basic and has been around for some time. Let’s take a look at some of the gear you’ll need to participate in this training.

You’ll want to start with the appropriate clothing and shoes. Clothing should fit comfortably and also be breathable and movable. You may also need supportive undergarments such as a sports bra or athletic supporter. These items help you to work out comfortably and safely.

Gloves are another must have for CrossFit training. They’ll protect your hands and prevent blisters and callouses from developing as you participate in strength training activities such as weight lifting, rowing, and rope climbing.

When you join a gym, you’ll have best CrossFit gear at your disposal, but may want to purchase some gear to keep at home for days you can’t get to the gym. There are some inexpensive products that will help you to have a quick home workout.

For example, a jump rope is an inexpensive piece of equipment that can help you to work on speed, endurance, and coordination. Kettlebells are also available to help you exercise at home. These are large weighted balls that have a handle on them for exercise.

Many people who enjoy CrossFit also have medicine balls at home. A medicine ball is a weighted ball that can be used for many purposes to build strength. You can work with a partner or on your own using this tool.

Dumbbells are also inexpensive, don’t take up a lot of space, and are invaluable for a CrossFit workout at home. You can purchase just a few in the weight you need or purchase a complete set that will give you flexibility.

Plyo boxes are also part of a solid CrossFit home gym. These are boxes that allow you to step up off the ground with or without weights. They come in different sizes and some will give you two possible options for height.

Ropes for climbing and gymnastics rings can also help you to get a good workout at home. CrossFit gear is simple, but effective when it comes to helping you sculpt your body, gain strength, and improve endurance.